January 1st: How To See Fairies

For New Year’s Day, a suggestion from Hermafetes con Harrow: Ramsey Dukes’ How to See Fairies. We’ll discuss “Week Two: a Sense of Place” – pages 59-78.

Hermafetes’ comment:

I love this text because, unlike many other magical texts, it teaches techniques so fundamental that most introductory books overlook them entirely.
Before reading this book, I hadn’t realized that some of the things I naturally do (call it neurodivergence if you like) are actually a form of these techniques. Recognizing these actions as deliberate skills and practicing them intentionally has value, whether you’re learning them for the first time or refining innate abilities.
A few years ago, we explored how to tune in to sensory input and observe everything simultaneously without judgment. (What Alan Watts might call “floodlight consciousness.”) This week, we’ll shift focus to “vibes.” Specifically the vibes of a place. Most of us have been to a place with strong “good” or “bad” vibes, and while this is valid, what if we could also perceive subtler vibes like “okay” or “awkward” with the same clarity?
I encourage you to pick one of this week’s exercises and let me know how it goes. I’ll do the same. ❤