January 29th: The Liturgy of Hermes

This week, a number of us will be working Mark Stavish’s The Liturgy of Hermes, at the suggestion of Frater Ex Nihilo. On Wednesday we will discuss our results, and perhaps take a look at the Additional Prayers and the Appendix.

The text calls for observances to be made 42 days in succession, but our aim is to each try it once before Wednesday. Frater Ex Nihilo called it “one of the most effective rituals I have ever performed.”

Ex Nihilo’s comment:

I have performed this practice hundreds of times and have had all kinds of experiences with it. For completing the ritual singularly, I would create, print, or obtain the ritual implements. At the very least, print a picture of Thoth that resonates with you. If you find resonance with this initiatory practice, I would pursue the 42 day ritual, with full implements when you have the opportunity, it is well worth it. Always remember the best results come without lust for result, and indeed that is when I have had my greatest experiences.
This is an initiatory practice to the chain of Thoth Hermes and Western Hermeticism. May you exceed as a son/daughter/xer of Thoth Hermes and forever be in the chain of magical initiation as you spread your light in the world.

Let every nature of the world receive the utterance of my hymn!

Open, thou Earth! Let every bolt of the Abyss be drawn for me!

Stir not, ye Trees!

I am about to hymn creation’s Lord, both All and One.