December 28: Modern Magick

This week, we will be discussing foundational skills described in the ubiquitous manual, Modern Magick, by Donald Michael Kraig.

Part A: Read the beginning of Lesson 2, pages 33-51.  Take it for a spin if you feel inclined.

Part B: Browse the convenient Contents listings at the front of the book (pages 5-7 of the PDF) and pick out one other topic of interest from the extensive list.  Read one more section of your choice and tell us about it!

For good or ill, this book has been one of the most prominent manifestations of some sort of mainstream consensus on how Western Ceremonial Magic can look.  Its methods and perceptions have been a jumping-off-point for many of us.  We can talk about that too – our various relationships with this book, and with the tradition.

December 21st: Stellas Daemonum

Dearly Beloved Bastards,

This Wednesday we will be discussing the dueling forewords, introduction, and first chapter of David Crowhurst’s Stellas Daemonum (the entirety of the attached PDF).  This is another text recommended by AVDIERVNT, featuring cameos from Lon Milo DuQuette and Stephen Skinner.

December 7th: The Satan Seller

This week, at the suggestion of Saint Shut-the-Fuck-up Friday, we will be discussing The Satan Seller by Mike Warnke, pages 26-57, 76, 155-156, 182-196, and Appendices (211-213).

OPTIONAL SUPPLEMENT: Their Holiness’ summary of the vital plot points.  Also pages 58-78 from the book.

Their Holiness has these comments to offer upon the text:

Unlike memoirs that would debut later wherein the main characters were purportedly victims of a Satanic cult, Mike Warnke’s The Satan Seller describes his time as a Satanic High Priest. While the claims in this book could easily be debunked by anyone with the common sense the gods gave little green apples, the claims weren’t formally debunked for nearly twenty years, and the text helped provide an initial spark to what would become the Satanic Panic of the 1980s. Join us for a discussion of occult supply chain management, multi-level marketing schemes that definitely don’t involve the Illuminati, and the very real repercussions of the depictions of very fake Satanism.

November 2nd: Book 4 and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

This week’s reading has been selected by Guest Bastard, Man of Letters, and yoga practitioner Antonio.

We will be discussing “Preliminary Remarks” pp.3-5, “Asana” pp.23-27, “Samadhi” pp.79-89, and “Summary” pp.90-93 from Book 4 – Liber ABA (Part One)

We will also read “Sutra 1.39” pp.207-209, “Dualism of Yoga” pp.42-44, “Appendix Chapter I: Meditative Absorption” 562-570, and “Sutra 1.2” 74-86 in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.