September 18th: A Little Discord

In honor of Sorcerix Helios’ birthday, we’ll be reading a piece – just the appendices – of the sprawling Illuminatus TrilogyPages 708-774 in the PDF.

Helios’ word on the text:

Dear Readers, If you have not previously been able to read or enjoy the Illuminatus trilogy, do not despair that you shall not understand these appendices. The only appendix that relies heavily on the text is the last, which I have not included in our reading. Additionally, I believe those who have read the trilogy agree with me that this prior reading does not fully assist in understanding the glorious nonsense we are to read and comment on this week. Learning may, after all, be quite aside the point the authors intended by including these occult musings. Nevertheless, I found reading them to be extraordinarily helpful in understanding occult reasoning, paradigm construction, and Discordianism in general. I look forward to picking apart these pages with you; I could think of few greater enjoyments I might have on my birthday.

September 4th: Story of the Eye

With apologies, I submit to you a piece of SMUT penned by the young Georges Bataille. We have reveled in the Solar Anus, we have ascended to the Summit, and now it is time for Story of the Eye. Please read chapters 1-8 (pages 3-52).

Alternate version, if you have woes with the PDF:

The rules are: you’re allowed to quit midway if you feel excessive nausea. We will judge whether to go into the second half based on everyone’s uh sensibilities. Please consider what this text suggests about Bataille’s theory of Evil as Freedom, and bear in mind that YOU WANTED TO READ THIS.

In other news: The Bastards will take a holiday the week of 9/11, and reconvene our council on 9/18.

Reading for August 7th: William Burroughs and the Language of Control

Turnip here. Next time, let’s look at some of the techniques William S. Burroughs suggests for resisting the Word-God. We’ll read three selections from The Job: “Playback from Eden to Watergate” (pp. 11-20), “The Invisible Generation” (pp. 160-174) and “Electronic Revolution 1970-71” (pp. 174-203). If you’re unfamiliar with the cut-up method, you might also do pp. 27-top of 30. May be that we scramble on the spot if folks want to go there. Stay attentive, graduates of Academy 23.

July 31st: Across the Gulf

What happens when you fuck a God? Find out – TONIGHT – with this delightful work of “fiction”(??) by our reviled uncle Aleister Crowley.

The account is titled “Across the Gulf.” You will find it on page 202 of the compendium, The Drug and Other Stories.

Here’s an ill-formatted but compact version, a smaller file in case your computer doesn’t want to load a whole book.

I await you, as the vulture awaits a juicy eyeball!

Your Lover – Lord Grang